Thursday 16 December 2010

Feedback on cover and contents

Evidently, through my audience feedback, the genre of music I was expressing was not instantly recognizable. The purpose of my magazine was to inform people of this genre of music a lot more so it is understandable if it is not widely known.

Friday 3 December 2010

Double Page Spread

By using a very useful and effective programme on the Mac computers, an application called 'pages', I have managed to create my own double page spread similar to those found in typical magazines.

Stage 1

This is the first draft of my double page spread. Its a very simple layout and all in black and white. I think this gives it a classier, easier to read look. I am going to now edit this as the top masthead is not fully shown and some of the images appear randomly placed.

Stage 2

This second draft is still simple, but the dense amount of text has been broken up by the green outline on the images and a small 'Top 5 Artists' to give a friendly vibe to the audience. Personal information is important as it makes the artists appear down to earth and also inspires fans. I changed the Image in the bottom left hand corner due to the fact I had already used the image on the contents page.

Stage 3

I have further edited my double page spread by enlarging certain quotes for effect, making the boarders of the images smaller, creating a shadow around each image and changing the colours to ensure continuity with the look of my whole magazine. This now ties in with my font cover and contents page and is still simple without appearing too bland.

Thursday 2 December 2010

Screen grab images from Front Cover and Contents page Analysis

This image is typical of a contents page in a magazine. This picture gives a sneak preview into what is actually inside the magazine and who is being interviewed and the surroundings. The page number at the top of this image breaks up the contents page to make it appear more exciting and to draw your attention to the main feature.

The reduced image if the Front Cover is a typical convention in a contents page. This just refreshes your mind and also reinforces the continuity between the two pages. The phrase 'subscribe to the monthly Lowdown and save £25' is a lure and instantly would grab the audiences attention to saving money and to read your magazine consistently.

The barcode here and the menu strip at the bottom make the production seem professional. They give a sneak preview into the features within the magazine in a quirky and eye catching way. The barcode reveals price which needs to be suited to the target audience social class and age group.