Tuesday 28 September 2010

Introduction to Music Press Blog

Hi, i'm Justine, currently an A Level Media Studies student. Throughout this blog I will be researching music magazines with the idea of producing my own for a specific target audience. I hope to develop my analytical skills, through my research, as well as production and design skills with the practical task. I look forward to showing you my research and planning in terms of The Music Press as well as my final magazine. Although, I haven't chosen the genre I think I would like to work within reggaeton. Here is an example of the Latin American music type:

I feel this is a fresh and exciting genre to work within and one not well known in North West London. This will provide me with a great opportunity to work within these conventions and for them to be exciting.

As the brief asks for I will be creating:

  • Front Page using original images
  • Contents using original images
  • Double page feature
I hope you enjoy! Bye.

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