Monday 1 November 2010

Preliminary Task

As a practice for our main task we have produced our preliminary task which is the front cover of a school magazine. This must contain such typical conventions as a masthead, catchy strap line and effective background image. I still have to take my image which will probabaly take place within my school in a classroom or of an active sport happening to show community.

However, i decided to change the look of the magazine as i felt this design was not vibrant enough a look for a school magazine. On a day where there was a centinery celebration at my school i decided to merge two images together. Photoshopping in flags to represent diversity and a background showing two girls of different ages and cultural background.

This is my original image which i will use for my background. I will then add my Masthead, lures and puffs to follow typical magazine conventions. The image conveys a sense of joy which is crucial when concerning a school magazine. the pupils must look like they are enjoying themselves.

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