Monday 22 November 2010

Target Audience

View more presentations from jcrossan.

The interests of my target audience is essential when planning my final production piece. This is a mood board of typical objects my audience are interested in which will be useful concerning adverts and typical feature pages/interviews as i know what kind of images to include, mode of address and even competition ideas.

Readers Profile

The magazine I have based 'Get Low' on is Mixmag a popular Dance music and DJ magazine. Research into the readership of this has given me an idea of the types of people I would aim 'Get Low' at. I have discovered a demographic for this and a typical description of a typical reader. This can assist me when thinking about price, images used and mode of address.

Mixmag readers are the opinion formers and leaders in clubbing. They are the ones who make the happening music happen and the cool products cool within their peer group.
They are the first to recommend a new tune and the first on a new fashion trend. They’re at that new cool club very early and they move on before it starts to go cold . They’re the best informed about top DJs and upcoming tunes, and they just have to have the latest mobile (even if their current one is less than six months old). They’re the biggest downloaders of music in the UK.
The median age of a Mixmag reader is 26 – 72% male, 28% female – and they tend to be urban and single.
They have a high disposable income and a high propensity to spend it on:
- Nights out
- Clothes
- iTunes
The latest mobile and MP3 player
Nearly 80% do not read another music magazine and they spend little time watching TV, especially at weekends.

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