Sunday 21 November 2010


In preparation for my Publication, I devised a questionairre to ask my peers specific questions on what type of magazines they read and what would persuade them to by a magazine. Through this i can find out what type of people enjoy specific genres and trivial answers concerning price.

Q1. How old are you?

16-18 19-21 22-24 25 +

Q2. What gender are you?

Male Female

Q3. What is your Ethnic background?

Black Caribbean White Other Mixed Other
Please specify__________
Black African Hispanic

White British Middle Eastern

Q4. Are you currently in full time education?

Yes No

If no, are you in paid employment? Yes No

If yes, how would you describe your social class background?

Upper Class Middle Class Working Class

Q5. What genre of music do you generally listen to?

Rock Pop Hip Hop R‘n’B

Bashment Reggaeton Classical

World Music Punk Garage Drum and bass

Q6. Do you attend live events of this genre of music?

Yes No Occasionally

Q7. Do you ever buy music magazines?

Often Occasionally Never

Q8. If so, which do you normally purchase? ____________________

Q9. If not, what would encourage you to buy one?

Freebies Live event coverage Celebrities

Cheaper price Coverage of my favourite music genre

Fashion articles Film reviews Venue recommendation

Q10. How often do you visit a music magazine website?

Often Occasionally Rarely Never

If so, which website(s) do you visit? _____________

Q11. For which of the following reasons do you visit these music websites?

Purchase tickets download music read interviews and feature articles

Purchase merchandise update on tours and gigs reviews of new music and

The Front Cover:

Which colour would most attract you to a magazine?

Red Blue Orange Yellow Pink Green


Which type of image would you prefer to see?

A posed shot live shot artistic design

How much would you be willing to pay for a monthly magazine?
Under £1 £1-£2 £2-£3 £3-£4 £4-£5

This was devised in order to get more information about what type of magazine cover and feature articles would be the most popular and therefore sell the most copies. This copy does not show the boxes that would be present for the actual questionnaire.

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