Monday 8 November 2010

Mastheads & Logo research

The anaylsis of existing mastheads from various music magazines gives me a basis for where I can start contructing my own. The type of font that each magazine uses reflects the genre of music present within the cover and so conveys a lot to the reader. This masthead will need to be instantly recognised and so will need to be simple and effective. The way each logo is contructed connotes specific values that the magazine has, E.G. Kerrangs logo has a black background and cracks through the font, representing the dark edge to rock music and the cracks to symbolising the breaking of a guitar. Probabaly due to the wild partying and passionate rock guitarists.
The Masthead of my own magazine is crucial because that is how people will remember it, it must be representative of my music genre and the type of information inside.

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