Sunday 21 November 2010

Original Images

This image is effective due to the use of the guitar.. it looks as if the band are practicing together and they appear to have a close bond which is essential as it needs to look realistic. The issue is with the door in the background which looks unprofessional however this can be cropped out using photoshop.

The black background here works well and the contrast of clothing in this group is quirky and effective. This image is not clear enough on what type of music this band produces and does not convey a clear personality which sould be changed. The arrangement of the girls could be altered.

This image i belive is the weakest of the three. The mirror setting has a good basis but the result did not work out. You can see the 0ther side to the dance bar but thsi has no purpose or relevance.

I have taken some basic images that could be used for the double pages feature within my Reggaeton Music Magazine. The idea is a girl group of 3, The setting is not very imaginative but could be used as the interview images as it is a relaxed environment. It looks as if we are in a dance studio which is fitting to the music genre however, our attire is not suited.

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