Monday 8 November 2010

Content Analysis & Target Audience

Here, is a breakdown of the adverts used within two popular music magazines, Top of the pops and NME. By looking at the advertising especially we can distinguish who the magazines target audience are. I can apply this information to my own magazine as this is an example of how to effectively distribute advertising within my own product.

In top of the pops, (the top pie chart) It is evident by the use of make up and celebrity coverage that the target audience is definately females. As in NME, the fact video games and the use of male products are advertised that the magazine is aimed at males. To fully appreciate a specific outline of a typical person to read this magazine we have to look at more than just adverts and at the content and double page spreads/ interveiws.

The second pie chart is essential to cover the inside spreads and what they contained. As we can see Top of the Pops main content is gossip whearas NME is upcoming gigs. Possible showing NME as a more serious music magazine whearas TOTP is more for gossip and celebrity updates. We concluded on this information that TOTP's demographic was mostly aimed at girls from 9-15, possibly working class and white. This is because of what types of celebrities the magazine covered, the level of quizzes and the use of language used. The fact also that stickers came with the magazine and the amount of posters gave us an insight into the age group.

NME's demographic is slightly older than TOTP. It has more serious interveiws about bands and reviews, has at least 3 double page spreads on rock bands and their gigs and only a few posters. The target audience here appears to be male working class from 13-17 and due to the price and quality of the paper.

By looking at these existing and successful products, it has given me an idea of what i could put in my own magazine in the content listings and mode of adress when creating my double page article.

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