Thursday 25 November 2010

Cover and Contents

Front Cover

By analyzing my images and thinking about what best target my audience in representation of social groups I have designed my Front cover following typical conventions i noticed from existing music magazines that follow a similar Genre, mainly mixmag. The Front cover is very vibrant and eye catching specifically related to my teen/young adult target audience. It is fun and sexy attracting the male gaze and female audiences who would be inspired by the make-up and feminine jewellery. The red font colour is consitent in the Masthead, main coverline and menu strip. One other colour is used so not to look to over crowded, white. This is only used on the strapline and other coverlines to draw your eye to the main points on the page. A typical barcode is positioned in the corner.
The magazine Title reflects my chosen Reggaeton genre relating to the information you will find within the magazine and how 'Low Down' females dance when listening to this type of music. I have ensured continuity between cover and contents as this makes it appear professional and that they look like they are from the same magazine.


The contents page still has the same red colour and font to ensure continuity. The black background makes the white font stand out instantly. The specific contents are spread in sections around the page, they are not alligned to reflect the radical and rebellious nature of my audience. The sections are there for easier and quicker access to specific areas of the magazine which may be a favourite of my audience and also gives a breakdown of every new and main article within. The main feature is at the top with an image and page number to make it easier for audiences who specifically want to read about the artist. A lure is at the bottom, a free mixtape of a typical artist, this breaks the page up and also would encourage my audience to purchace this magazine again if they realise freebies are frequent. A reduced image of the front cover is at the top which is another typical convention, this reminds my reader and also would persuade them to subscribe when reinforcing the saving of '£25'.

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