Tuesday 23 November 2010

Analyzing Photography

All if these photos were taken on the black and white colour mode on my camera. I feel the effect creates a more professional look to the images and celebrify the model I used even more. The colour makes the images appear as if from old memories which give an authentic feel and will be very appealing to my Target Audience.

I decided to take a range of images from all different angles and poses to show the singer in a complex light. To express her personality in various ways to make the reader more relaxed and

For my double page spread article I have chosen to use an interveiw technique which is a typical format in a lot of music magazines. A simple question and answer layout. I belive these images appear as if in a casual location, just messing around having fun with a photographer which is a technique I see often in Music magazines. Only a few are very posed, most just as if caught off guard which is more realistic and makes the singer appear as if down to earth.

In my Interview I have tried to reflect the way her personality comes across through the questions in these photos. This is more genuine and fits the style of the magazine perfectly. Some images are irrelevant and just for fun such as this with the dog on the left and will not be used for my final production.

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