Thursday 11 November 2010

Analysis of Existing products

M8 DJ magazine Front cover featuring female DJ Miss Nine

*Asian looking woman with dark brown, wet hair hanging down across her face. She is looking over her shoulder in an almost seductive pose with her hand behind her head and elbow resting on her knee. She appears to have just come out the shower or swimming pool as droplets of water are on her arms and back. She is wearing a tight, black sports top with black leggings which could connote her having just exercised. Her mouth is slightly open and we see a side view of her face which connotes flirtatiousness and sexuality. There is a plain white background which creates this woman as the main focus of the page.

* The Masthead is on the top left as the woman’s head covers the rest of the space. It is more like their logo and is bold, rounded and red ‘M8’ with a white inside. This is sans-serif font which connotes the modern look to the magazine. The colour red connotes passion and sexuality which is reflected in how the main woman appears. There is a yellow circle which covers the top of the ‘M’ with the price of £1.The yellow stands out as it is the only use of this colour on the whole page, aimed to attract readers to the cheap price.Below the sweet spot is a list of DJ names in serif grey writing. Across the woman’s arm is a banner headline reading ‘Miss Nine’ in red serif lettering with a white outline. Below this in a white smaller font is ‘...our perfect 10’ which connotes that she is the best in her profession. Along the bottom of the page is a menu strip of clubbing venues in white writing. This stands out against the black of the woman’s clothing. Below this menu strip is a red one giving us details of a certain event. At the very bottom gives us the important information such as the magazine website, the barcode and the issue number.

I have further analysed a Front cover of popular DJ and Dance magazine, Mixmag. This magazine is similar to the type of music i want to produce in my own production.This has given me ideas and inspired me to design my own front cover in an original way.. this also gives me an insight into typical conventions in dance music magazines.

Analysis of front page on slide 1

- The generic music convention codes employed by the magazine suggest the target audience is a young female audience due to the image used, the girls appear independent and strong. Their poses make them look as if they are in control which could represent the social class this magazine is targeting, successfull women who know what they like.

- The mode of address is colloquial and uses informal terms such as 'blagalicious' a play on word and 'bo! Presenta!' further informal quotes. This suggests the audience like to have a good time and can take a joke.

- The features in the magazine suggest the readership are real music fanatics with free CD's. It implies the readers are possibly wild with feature such as 'lose the drug law lottery'. Phrases imply the readership enjoy to dance and are party animals, 'Richard Blackwoods jiggy club crawl'.

- The layout and design of this specific publication imply the audience are still youthful but above teens. the layout is classy but still edgy and fun with the sexy cartoon of three women. They are holding Alcohol and Cigarettes implying they are old enough and above the legal age.

- The mode of adress and layout/design of the magazine suggest it is targeted at both a niche audience, this type of house music and DJ's is specific to one group of people and does not contain well known artists but mainly precise information for people thoroughly into the science behind music.

Analysis of Front Cover Slide 2

- The generic music convention codes employed by the magazine suggest the target audience is a young female audience due to the image used, the feminine background colour and typical pink font.

-The font on ‘Lil Kim’ is serif which connotes femininity and glamour here.

- The mode of address here is colloquial and fun. Such phrases as ‘Banging’ and ‘la diva loca’ express this as they connote youth and vitality.

- The features in the magazine suggest the audience are real party animals with ‘My Ibiza Party’ the worlds most popular raving destination. The reference to Lil’ Kim, a Hip Hop rapper with attitude suggest the audience also have a variety of music interests with word play of ‘Notorious Lil’ Kim’ linking to the famous rapper Notorious B.I.G.

- The layout and design of this specific publication imply the audience are still youthful and are possibly quite image focussed due to the main concentration on the sexuality of Lil’ Kim. It also suggests a large female readership due to colour and dreamy background gradient.

- The mode of address and layout/design of the magazine suggest it is targeted at a young, inspiring audience who enjoy a good time and are open to new things. Mixmag, normally a DJ House magazine featuring a popular American rap artist expresses diversity.

Content Page Analysis

To have a clear understanding of other typical conventions within music magazines i have taken two contents pages and noticed main features on them from Vibe and Mixmag.

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