Thursday 6 January 2011

How did you attract/address your audience?

I attracted my audience mostly by the images and headlines used.The instant Rhetorical question on the front cover.

Where have you been?

In bold red across the Artists face would make you stop and think about what this magazine could inform you on. What is so essential that you NEED to read this magazine? This question is referring to the new artist, 'Loca' which means 'crazy' in Spanish who is new on the scene, so if you havent heard of her then the question would apply to you.

I believe the title of my magazine will also attract my audience well as 'Low down' is a slang term for getting the gossip on something, indicating this magazine will fill you in on anything you need to know. 'Low down' also suggest the way my audience dances to Reggaeton, the genre of music. I used lures, the sweet spot and puffs to entice my reader. Also a typical free CD from Daddy Yankee shown on the contents page. The mode of address I used would also be appealing to my market as it is in a conversational tone and friendly and so will make the reader relaxed. Popular celebrities will always attract readers to this magazine with exclusive interviews and reviews especially when it is written in a more fabolous way.

The Front Cover colours are especially enticing as there are sweets in the background making the magazing look tasty and fun. What do you think about when you see this ??


Looks Tempting.

This Strategy would especially work with young people who are sweet addicts. It brings out the electric make-up used on the girl and would stand out compared to any other dull looking magazine. Like:

White background? Violin? Black, simple font?


I am pretty sure I did attract my audience where questions where asked through feedback in this video.

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