Thursday 6 January 2011

Looking back at the Preliminary task, designing the front page of a school magazine. What do you feel you have learnt in progression to the full produ

The final product:

I would say the key word is 'professional'. The leap I have made has been to make my publication appear more professional.


Since the first preliminary task I have learnt a great deal in progression to this full product. I have learnt about continuity which is needed between the front cover and the contents page. It appears much more professional when the same colour design, fonts and when the same features appear on the front cover and on the contents. A wide variety of fonts can come across as confusing and messy to the reader so limiting this to two fonts is enough. I discovered that the way images appear on the screen can sometimes be different to the way they look when printed. A very good laser printer is essential if you want your designs to come out clear and sharp on paper. Also, when printing my double page spread I needed a printer which deals with A3 sheets otherwise i would not achieve the magazine effect. I feel I have progressed in terms of appearance in my design since the first preliminary task. I have used more advanced techniques and played around with different layouts and mastheads.

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